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Woven Acqua Banskia & Hydrangea

Sale price$123.00 Regular price$410.00

Pick up or Local Delivery Only 

Welcome to Taller de Tallos

They are 100% natural products that have been preserved to maintain their beauty and freshness for months without needing water or light. Their process involves meticulous care and refinement.
The flower or plant is cultivated to its ideal growing point in terms of natural beauty. The freshly cut plant enters a process to absorb a mixture of 100% plant-based, biodegradable formula.
The preservative liquid replaces the flower's sap and water to form a static image of nature and create an unparalleled 100% natural product.


  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight, humidity and water
  • No watering or placing the product in water
  • Avoid crushing, pressing, or folding petals, foliage or flowers.
  • The only care the product requires is occasional dust removal, ideally with an air spray, air blower or dusting with a soft cloth.
  • For indoor use only.

Natural products are 100% ecological, more economical in the long term, maintenance-free, and perfect for decorating interior spaces.
They are resistant and durable.

They are not artificial; the process does not provide typical components in artificial flowers, such as plastic or synthetic silks.
They are not products that grow; they maintain the appearance of a living plant; the preservation process stops any biological cycle that promotes the plant's aging.
They are not freeze-dried or dehydrated products; none of the products use freeze-drying techniques for their preservation. Freeze-drying prevents fresh product characteristics essential for a new appearance.
They are non-toxic and can be in contact with pets and people. They do not represent a health risk.


Pick up or Local Delivery Only.



Woven Acqua Banskia & Hydrangea
Woven Acqua Banskia & Hydrangea Sale price$123.00 Regular price$410.00